Wednesday, October 22, 2014

#wcw #sahm

Whilst drinking my usual cup of morning Joe, I came across an article about "SAHMs". Interesting, to say the least, but I definitely agreed with the majority of it. The author, was actually a SAHM herself, and had a lot to say regarding this very contraversial topic. To put it simply, she explained that SOME moms who are able to stay at home, have turned into annoying whiners who bash their husbands, and complain about their children. It is refreshing to read this kind of an article written by an actual SAHM. I was in tears by the second paragraph --great read & also a great site. [insert applause here]
Now there are 15 brief minutes every morning that I get to spend with my son - all of which include feeding him, changing him, and getting him ready for his day at grandma's house. After we are both somewhat ready for our days, I drop him off, and off to work mommy goes! I do not feel sorry for myself, I just wanted to state that I do not feel sorry for SAHMs either. We are all "working mothers" BUT! I still have the same motherly duties and responsibilities as you, my sweet SAHMs. I initially wanted to write about the article (link above) and tell you how much I loved it -- but this has turned into a little venting sesh. Whatever. I needed it.
I mean, think about it, SAHMs are EVERYWHERE. I go to the mall on my lunch break, (because I work an hour away from my house -- and I don't have time to drive to Grandma's to see my little nugget) and I see 3 or 4 of them; All of which have their little ones running around as they sip their coffees and gossip with each other. I often hear them complain about how their children are monsters, or how tired they are, OR, how they have so much to do. Yes, I complain about how tired I am, and how busy I am, but at least they are busy and tired while in the presence of their sweet angels. Staying at home all day, being cooped up in a house is exhausting - and I respect you mothers who do so, but hello? You can leave your house? I am stuck behind a computer, doing God knows what - while an authority figure breathes down my neck about deadlines and policies. Maybe, I'm just jealous of those who are fortunate enough to be able to stay home? Some of my dear friends are SAHMs -- It is nothing personal.  I will stress that I did not choose the professional, career driven, wife/mommy role. I was forced into it, well, because #life. But in the end, all that matters is that smile on our children's & husband's faces, right? Right.


1 comment:

  1. I hate SAHMs. There.... I said it. And I don't feel bad about it either.
